Hemorrhoids are dysregulation of blood inflow and outflow in the cavernous veins of the rectum, which is the cause of blood stagnation in them.
This is influenced by a sedentary lifestyle, constipation, inflammatory processes in the rectum and neighboring organs of the small pelvis.
Long-term overfilling of the cavernous bodies leads to their expansion and thinning of their walls and covering tissues, trauma with the formation of small cracks. As a result, bleeding occurs during defecation.
In addition, the appearance of erosions and cracks in the covering tissues creates favorable conditions for the entry of infections and the development of inflammatory processes against the background of thrombosis of hemorrhoidal tissues.
Symptoms of the disease: in the case of uncomplicated hemorrhoids – itching, feeling of a foreign body in the rectum, the appearance of red blood drops or stream at the end of the act of defecation, anemia.
In the case of complications, severe pain occurs, temperature rises, swelling and hyperemia around the anus, defecation disorders occur. Hemorrhoids – the course is long-term with periodic exacerbations.