Solving the cardiovascular pathology of patients with medical leeches is one of the more promising and effective methods recently. The effect of leeches on humans is complex and multifaceted; it manifests itself in the spiritual, energetic, psychological, biochemical, physiological and other levels of the body’s self-regulation.
With the action of more than 80 studied enzymes that leech has, normal blood and lymph can be restored in all organs and systems. Microcirculation of intercellular fluids. Disappeared swelling, joints, inflammations. Disappeared pain, ischemia, adhesion phenomena, decreased elevated and raised (normalized) low blood pressure. Improve blood circulation, including more vital organs – brain and spinal cord, myocardium, endocrine glands, other internal organs, supporting – movement apparatus (including muscles, bones and joints). Resorbed thrombi, benign tumors and scars, increased local and general immunity. Blood coagulation indicators and metabolic processes (of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, salts, etc.) may normalize. ECG dynamics and other physiological and biochemical indicators improved.
In addition, the leech as a “living needle” has a powerful reflexogenic effect, successfully replacing acupuncture. Hirudotherapy restores the body’s energy, improves mood, well-being, reduces anxiety, irritability, increases work capacity, sexual and creative powers, awakens the best spiritual qualities (joy of life, energy, love for oneself and others, patience, etc.).
Hirudotherapy is potentially effective in virtually all diseases of the cardiovascular system, including atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, general and coronary insufficiency, stroke consequences, myocardial infarction, hypertensive disease, hypertensive states, varicose veins in the lower limbs and spermatic cord, thrombophlebitis, for hemorrhoids, obliterative endarteritis, etc.). At the same time, isolated ischemic heart disease (as well as other diseases of the cardiovascular system) is extremely rare.